Answering doorphone from another phone

How can I setup a Misc Destination or a Custom Destination to pick up doorphone call ringing another phone and open the door with a single feature code ?

I need to dial

**ringingextno  (to pickup call)
pause (if needed)
* (to open door)


I had my doorbell routed to a ring group. Any phone can pick up and press * to unlock door.

I had a sip doorbell and an actuator installed for the door in order for this to work

My system works fine like yours,
I just want a programmable key for non-ringing IP phones (or a common feature code in freepbx) to pick up call and send * to open door, in a single operation.
The (apparent) issue is to wait sip channel to open then send the *

I tried :

exten => 445,1,Pickup(205@from-internal)
exten => 445,n,Wait(1)
exten => 445,n,SendDTMF(*)
exten => 445,n,Hangup()

The ringing extension 205 get picked up, then process ends (no wait-send-hangup)

Pickup, like Dial, supervises the call, including maintaining the media bridge.

You might be able to use originate, with a local channel to Pickup on the A side and SendDTMF on the B side.

Why do you have a doorphone if people are allowed to open the door without checking who wants to enter?

Can you explain please ?

We have few employees that see who’s at door from their desk, the receptionist phone is the only one ringing at door calls.

Originate sets up a call with the A side being a channel, identified by a dial string, and the B side being either a dialplan extension, or s specific application.

If you make the A side a local channel, it can call Pickup(() to become the new B side of the doorphone call (as its A side), and you can then have dialplan that inserts a pause, then sends the DTMF, as the B side, or, living diangerously, just use SendDTMF as the B side application.

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