Agent announcement based on DID

Our current system has 2 inbound numbers and 2 queues, when an agent answers from number A there is no announcement, but when the call comes in from number B it goes to the other queue (which is identical other than the agent announcement) so the agent gets an announcement to tell them the caller rang number B.

Now, we are to add another number (number C) and 5 new members of staff who will only deal with number C unless they are all busy.

So my plan is to have 6 queues so that when an agent receives a call from a number that is not their usual one, they get an announcement.
Is there a better way to achieve this? A more elegant solution perhaps.

Here is the plan

Number A rings to queue 1 (no announcement) answered by agents Y

  • if busy rings to queue 2 (announced as Number A) answered by agents X
    Number B rings to queue 3 (announced as Number B) answered by agents Y
  • if busy rings to queue 4 (announced as Number B) answered by agents X
    Number C rings to queue 5 (no announcement) answered by agents X
  • if busy rings to queue 6 (announced as Number C) answered by agents Y

The commercial module of VQ plus would solve alot of your issue here. It let’s you create virtual queues to change settings in the queue before forwarding the caller into your queue.

Ok, thanks. I will take a look at it.
Can I presume that, other than the commercial modules, the way I describe above is the best way of doing it.

This sounds pretty “multi-tenant”, which we all know FreePBX doesn’t do very well. Just be prepared for complications as you expand your model.