After restore to new home, can't install Zulu or Sangoma Connect


[root@freepbx /]# fwconsole ma downloadinstall zulu
No repos specified, using: [standard,extended] from last GUI settings

Downloading module ‘zulu’
Processing zulu
Verifying local module download…Verified
Download completed in 6 seconds
Updating tables zulu_interactions_interaction_states, zulu_softphones, zulu_tokens, zulu_interactions_contacts, zulu_interactions_interactions, zulu_interactions_owners, zulu_interactions_members, zulu_interactions_streams, zulu_interactions_stream_bodies, zulu_interactions_stream_links, zulu_interactions_stream_actions, zulu_login_tokens, zulu_mobile_tokens…
In DBALException.php line 131:

An exception occurred while executing ‘CREATE UNIQUE INDEX contact_id ON zulu_interactions_interaction_states (userman_id, interaction_id)’:

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states’ doesn’t exist

In Connection.php line 1044:

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states’ doesn’t exist

moduleadmin [-f|–force] [-d|–debug] [–edge] [–ignorecache] [–stable] [–color] [–skipchown] [-e|–autoenable] [–skipdisabled] [–snapshot SNAPSHOT] [–format FORMAT] [-R|–repo REPO] [-t|–tag TAG] [–skipbreakingcheck] [–sendemail] [–onlystdout] [–] []…

[root@freepbx /]# fwconsole ma downloadinstall sangomaconnect
No repos specified, using: [standard,extended] from last GUI settings

Downloading module ‘sangomaconnect’
Processing sangomaconnect
Verifying local module download…Verified
Download completed in 1 seconds
Updating tables sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup, sangomaconnect_user_setup, sangomaconnect_user_device…
In DBALException.php line 131:

An exception occurred while executing ‘ALTER TABLE sangomaconnect_user_device ADD PRIMARY KEY (userman_id)’:

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device’ doesn’t exist

In Connection.php line 1044:

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device’ doesn’t exist

moduleadmin [-f|–force] [-d|–debug] [–edge] [–ignorecache] [–stable] [–color] [–skipchown] [-e|–autoenable] [–skipdisabled] [–snapshot SNAPSHOT] [–format FORMAT] [-R|–repo REPO] [-t|–tag TAG] [–skipbreakingcheck] [–sendemail] [–onlystdout] [–] []…

Base Table or View not found? Shouldn’t it be creating all the tables it needs? Anybody else seen this?

Are you deploying the “Distro” ?

Yup - Scratch-Load in it’s cloud home, activate, and then restore the backup…

I’m trying…

All commercially licensed stuff, only the publisher can help.

Yeah, probably right…Backup and Restore is NOT my friend!

1 Like

Well some progress - went and hijacked the /var/lib/mysql folder off the de-commissioned machine and overwrote it to the new machine - now Zulu is installed, but I still can’t get Connect - going to bed, will beat on it more in the morning…

Maybe this would help?
fwconsole ma enablerepo commercial

Didn’t know about that command - still no joy, though:

[root@pbx-cnpc ~]# fwconsole ma enablerepo commercial
Getting Remote Repo list…Done
Repo commercial successfully enabled
[root@pbx-cnpc ~]# fwconsole ma downloadinstall sangomaconnect
No repos specified, using: [standard,extended,commercial] from last GUI settings

Downloading module ‘sangomaconnect’
Processing sangomaconnect
Verifying local module download…Verified
Download completed in 0 seconds
Updating tables sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup, sangomaconnect_user_setup, sangomaconnect_user_device…
In DBALException.php line 131:

An exception occurred while executing ‘CREATE TABLE sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup (email LONGTEXT NOT NULL, password LONGTEXT NOT NULL) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode
_ci ENGINE = InnoDB’:

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup’ doesn’t exist

In Connection.php line 1044:

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup’ doesn’t exist

moduleadmin [-f|–force] [-d|–debug] [–edge] [–ignorecache] [–stable] [–color] [–skipchown] [-e|–autoenable] [–skipdisabled] [–snapshot SNAPSHOT] [–format FORMAT] [-R|–repo REPO] [-t|–tag TAG] [–skipbreakingcheck] [–sendemail] [–onlystdout] [–] []…

What I don’t understand is where this table that it references - asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup is supposed to live - I looked on another machine with SangomaConnect installed and working and there is no such table.

Here is a list of the tables in Asterisk on the broken machine:

[root@pbx-cnpc ~]# mysql
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 3382
Server version: 5.5.65-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright © 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> use asterisk;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
MariaDB [asterisk]> show tables;
| Tables_in_asterisk |
| admin |
| ampusers |
| announcement |
| api_access_tokens |
| api_applications |
| api_asynchronous_transaction_history |
| api_auth_codes |
| api_refresh_tokens |
| areminder |
| areminder_calls |
| areminder_settings |
| areminder_updates |
| arimanager |
| callback |
| callrecording |
| callrecording_module |
| certman_cas |
| certman_certs |
| certman_csrs |
| certman_mapping |
| cidlookup |
| cidlookup_incoming |
| contactmanager_entry_emails |
| contactmanager_entry_images |
| contactmanager_entry_numbers |
| contactmanager_entry_speeddials |
| contactmanager_entry_userman_images |
| contactmanager_entry_websites |
| contactmanager_entry_xmpps |
| contactmanager_group_entries |
| contactmanager_groups |
| cron_jobs |
| cronmanager |
| custom_extensions |
| cxpanel_conference_rooms |
| cxpanel_email |
| cxpanel_managed_items |
| cxpanel_phone_number |
| cxpanel_queues |
| cxpanel_recording_agent |
| cxpanel_server |
| cxpanel_users |
| cxpanel_voicemail_agent |
| dahdi |
| dahdi_advanced |
| dahdi_advanced_modules |
| dahdi_analog |
| dahdi_analog_custom |
| dahdi_configured_locations |
| dahdi_modules |
| dahdi_spans |
| dahdichandids |
| daynight |
| devices |
| digium_phones_alerts |
| digium_phones_customapp_settings |
| digium_phones_customapps |
| digium_phones_device_alerts |
| digium_phones_device_customapps |
| digium_phones_device_externallines |
| digium_phones_device_logos |
| digium_phones_device_mcpages |
| digium_phones_device_networks |
| digium_phones_device_parkapps |
| digium_phones_device_phonebooks |
| digium_phones_device_ringtones |
| digium_phones_device_settings |
| digium_phones_device_statuses |
| digium_phones_devices |
| digium_phones_extension_settings |
| digium_phones_externalline_settings |
| digium_phones_externallines |
| digium_phones_firmware |
| digium_phones_firmware_packages |
| digium_phones_general |
| digium_phones_lines |
| digium_phones_logos |
| digium_phones_mcpage_settings |
| digium_phones_mcpages |
| digium_phones_network_settings |
| digium_phones_networks |
| digium_phones_phonebook_entries |
| digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings |
| digium_phones_phonebooks |
| digium_phones_pnac_settings |
| digium_phones_pnacs |
| digium_phones_queues |
| digium_phones_ringtones |
| digium_phones_status_entries |
| digium_phones_status_settings |
| digium_phones_statuses |
| digium_phones_voicemail_translations |
| digiumaddoninstaller_addons |
| digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads |
| digiumaddoninstaller_downloads |
| digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions |
| digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits |
| digiumaddoninstaller_registers |
| digiumaddoninstaller_system |
| directory_details |
| directory_entries |
| disa |
| dynroute |
| dynroute_dests |
| emergencydevices |
| endpoint_basefiles |
| endpoint_basestations |
| endpoint_brand |
| endpoint_buttons |
| endpoint_customExt |
| endpoint_customfw |
| endpoint_digium_phones_general |
| endpoint_ext_buttons |
| endpoint_extensions |
| endpoint_firmware |
| endpoint_global |
| endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings |
| endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids |
| endpoint_ignoreMac |
| endpoint_images |
| endpoint_models |
| endpoint_prelog |
| endpoint_ringtones |
| endpoint_templates |
| endpoint_timezones |
| endpoint_xml |
| extensionroutes |
| fax_details |
| fax_incoming |
| fax_store |
| fax_users |
| faxpro_hook_core |
| featurecodes |
| findmefollow |
| freepbx_log |
| freepbx_settings |
| globals |
| hotelwakeup |
| hotelwakeup_calls |
| iax |
| iaxsettings |
| incoming |
| indications_zonelist |
| ivr_details |
| ivr_entries |
| kvblobstore |
| kvstore_Conferences |
| kvstore_Cos |
| kvstore_Dashboard |
| kvstore_Extensionroutes |
| kvstore_Fax |
| kvstore_FreePBX |
| kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks |
| kvstore_FreePBX_Media |
| kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Announcement |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Backup |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Broadcast |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Callaccounting |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calllimit |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Callrecording |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cel |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cidlookup |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferencespro |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Daynight |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dictate |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Directory |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Disa |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Hotelwakeup |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Ivr |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Languages |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Miscapps |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Miscdests |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Outroutemsg |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pagingpro |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pm2 |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pms |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Queues |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Queuestats |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Ringgroups |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Soundlang |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Superfecta |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Timeconditions |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Tts |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Ttsengines |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Versionupgrade |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Vmblast |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail_report |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu |
| kvstore_OOBE |
| kvstore_Sipsettings |
| language_incoming |
| languages |
| logfile_logfiles |
| logfile_settings |
| manager |
| meetme |
| miscapps |
| miscdests |
| module_xml |
| modules |
| music |
| notifications |
| outbound_route_email |
| outbound_route_patterns |
| outbound_route_sequence |
| outbound_route_trunks |
| outbound_routes |
| outroutemsg |
| paging_autoanswer |
| paging_config |
| paging_core_routing |
| paging_groups |
| parkplus |
| pinset_usage |
| pinsets |
| pjsip |
| presencestate_list |
| presencestate_prefs |
| queueprio |
| queues_config |
| queues_details |
| qxact_agent_actions |
| qxact_agent_calls |
| qxact_calls |
| qxact_reports |
| qxact_system_events |
| recordings |
| restapi_general |
| restapi_log_event_details |
| restapi_log_events |
| restapi_token_details |
| restapi_token_user_mapping |
| restapi_tokens |
| restapps_settings |
| restapps_stats |
| ringgroups |
| sangomacrm_rest_rows |
| sangomacrm_rest_webhooks |
| setcid |
| sip |
| sipsettings |
| sms_dids |
| sms_media |
| sms_messages |
| sms_routing |
| soundlang_customlangs |
| soundlang_packages |
| soundlang_prompts |
| soundlang_settings |
| superfecta_mf |
| superfecta_mf_child |
| superfecta_to_incoming |
| superfectacache |
| superfectaconfig |
| sysadmin_fail2ban |
| sysadmin_options |
| sysadmin_update_log |
| timeconditions |
| timegroups_details |
| timegroups_groups |
| trunk_dialpatterns |
| trunks |
| tts |
| ttsengines |
| ucp_sessions |
| userman_directories |
| userman_groups |
| userman_groups_settings |
| userman_users |
| userman_users_settings |
| users |
| vega_gateways |
| vega_gateways_config |
| vmblast |
| vmblast_groups |
| vmnotify |
| vmnotify_events |
| vmnotify_notifications |
| voicemail_admin |
| vqplus_callback_calls |
| vqplus_callback_config |
| vqplus_callback_log |
| webrtc_clients |
| xmpp_options |
| xmpp_users |
| zulu_interactions_contacts |
| zulu_interactions_interaction_states |
| zulu_interactions_interactions |
| zulu_interactions_members |
| zulu_interactions_owners |
| zulu_interactions_stream_actions |
| zulu_interactions_stream_bodies |
| zulu_interactions_stream_links |
| zulu_interactions_streams |
| zulu_login_tokens |
| zulu_mobile_tokens |
| zulu_softphones |
| zulu_tokens |
320 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Here is the same command on a machine with Zulu/Connect working properly:

[root@pbx-bdc ~]# mysql
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 73108
Server version: 5.5.65-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright © 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> use asterisk;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
MariaDB [asterisk]> show tables;
| Tables_in_asterisk |
| admin |
| ampusers |
| announcement |
| api_access_tokens |
| api_applications |
| api_asynchronous_transaction_history |
| api_auth_codes |
| api_refresh_tokens |
| arimanager |
| callback |
| callrecording |
| callrecording_module |
| certman_cas |
| certman_certs |
| certman_csrs |
| certman_mapping |
| cidlookup |
| cidlookup_incoming |
| contactmanager_entry_emails |
| contactmanager_entry_images |
| contactmanager_entry_numbers |
| contactmanager_entry_speeddials |
| contactmanager_entry_userman_images |
| contactmanager_entry_websites |
| contactmanager_entry_xmpps |
| contactmanager_group_entries |
| contactmanager_groups |
| cron_jobs |
| cronmanager |
| custom_extensions |
| dahdi |
| dahdi_advanced |
| dahdi_advanced_modules |
| dahdi_analog |
| dahdi_analog_custom |
| dahdi_configured_locations |
| dahdi_modules |
| dahdi_spans |
| dahdichandids |
| daynight |
| devices |
| digium_phones_alerts |
| digium_phones_customapp_settings |
| digium_phones_customapps |
| digium_phones_device_alerts |
| digium_phones_device_customapps |
| digium_phones_device_externallines |
| digium_phones_device_logos |
| digium_phones_device_mcpages |
| digium_phones_device_networks |
| digium_phones_device_parkapps |
| digium_phones_device_phonebooks |
| digium_phones_device_ringtones |
| digium_phones_device_settings |
| digium_phones_device_statuses |
| digium_phones_devices |
| digium_phones_extension_settings |
| digium_phones_externalline_settings |
| digium_phones_externallines |
| digium_phones_firmware |
| digium_phones_firmware_packages |
| digium_phones_general |
| digium_phones_lines |
| digium_phones_logos |
| digium_phones_mcpage_settings |
| digium_phones_mcpages |
| digium_phones_network_settings |
| digium_phones_networks |
| digium_phones_phonebook_entries |
| digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings |
| digium_phones_phonebooks |
| digium_phones_pnac_settings |
| digium_phones_pnacs |
| digium_phones_queues |
| digium_phones_ringtones |
| digium_phones_status_entries |
| digium_phones_status_settings |
| digium_phones_statuses |
| digium_phones_voicemail_translations |
| digiumaddoninstaller_addons |
| digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads |
| digiumaddoninstaller_downloads |
| digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions |
| digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits |
| digiumaddoninstaller_registers |
| digiumaddoninstaller_system |
| directory_details |
| directory_entries |
| disa |
| dynroute |
| dynroute_dests |
| emergencydevices |
| endpoint_basefiles |
| endpoint_basestations |
| endpoint_brand |
| endpoint_buttons |
| endpoint_customExt |
| endpoint_customfw |
| endpoint_digium_phones_general |
| endpoint_ext_buttons |
| endpoint_extensions |
| endpoint_firmware |
| endpoint_global |
| endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings |
| endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids |
| endpoint_ignoreMac |
| endpoint_images |
| endpoint_models |
| endpoint_prelog |
| endpoint_ringtones |
| endpoint_templates |
| endpoint_timezones |
| endpoint_xml |
| fax_details |
| fax_incoming |
| fax_store |
| fax_users |
| faxpro_hook_core |
| featurecodes |
| findmefollow |
| freepbx_log |
| freepbx_settings |
| globals |
| hotelwakeup |
| hotelwakeup_calls |
| iax |
| iaxsettings |
| incoming |
| indications_zonelist |
| ivr_details |
| ivr_entries |
| kvblobstore |
| kvstore_Cos |
| kvstore_Dashboard |
| kvstore_Extensionroutes |
| kvstore_Fax |
| kvstore_FreePBX |
| kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks |
| kvstore_FreePBX_Media |
| kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Broadcast |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Callaccounting |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calllimit |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferencespro |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pagingpro |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pms |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Queuestats |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Vega |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail_report |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc |
| kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu |
| kvstore_OOBE |
| kvstore_Sipsettings |
| language_incoming |
| languages |
| logfile_logfiles |
| logfile_settings |
| manager |
| meetme |
| miscapps |
| miscdests |
| module_xml |
| modules |
| music |
| notifications |
| outbound_route_email |
| outbound_route_patterns |
| outbound_route_sequence |
| outbound_route_trunks |
| outbound_routes |
| outroutemsg |
| paging_autoanswer |
| paging_config |
| paging_core_routing |
| paging_groups |
| parkplus |
| pinset_usage |
| pinsets |
| pjsip |
| presencestate_list |
| presencestate_prefs |
| queueprio |
| queues_config |
| queues_details |
| recordings |
| ringgroups |
| sangomaconnect_user_device |
| sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup |
| sangomaconnect_user_setup |
| setcid |
| sip |
| sipsettings |
| sms_dids |
| sms_media |
| sms_messages |
| sms_routing |
| soundlang_customlangs |
| soundlang_packages |
| soundlang_prompts |
| soundlang_settings |
| superfecta_mf |
| superfecta_mf_child |
| superfecta_to_incoming |
| superfectacache |
| superfectaconfig |
| sysadmin_fail2ban |
| sysadmin_options |
| sysadmin_update_log |
| timeconditions |
| timegroups_details |
| timegroups_groups |
| trunk_dialpatterns |
| trunks |
| tts |
| ttsengines |
| ucp_sessions |
| userman_directories |
| userman_groups |
| userman_groups_settings |
| userman_users |
| userman_users_settings |
| users |
| vmblast |
| vmblast_groups |
| voicemail_admin |
| webrtc_clients |
| xmpp_options |
| xmpp_users |
| zulu_interactions_contacts |
| zulu_interactions_interaction_states |
| zulu_interactions_interactions |
| zulu_interactions_members |
| zulu_interactions_owners |
| zulu_interactions_stream_actions |
| zulu_interactions_stream_bodies |
| zulu_interactions_stream_links |
| zulu_interactions_streams |
| zulu_login_tokens |
| zulu_mobile_tokens |
| zulu_softphones |
| zulu_tokens |
260 rows in set (0.00 sec)

So I can see the Sangoma Connect tables on the working machine:

| sangomaconnect_user_device |
| sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup |
| sangomaconnect_user_setup |

But nothing even related to the table it’s choking on.

I will wait until Monday and submit a commercial ticket - I would not even call myself competent when it comes to MySQL/MariaDB and understanding these error messages.

From a previous thread, I vaguely recall you manually moving SQL data to transfer settings, is that the case here? Is it possible there are SQL tables for those modules already, even tho they’re not installed?

Nope, I am trying (very hard) to do it the supported way - I only start flailing when things go wrong - again!


In case anybody stumbles across this and has the same problems, here is what I found and what I had to do to fix it:

  1. The .frm files for SangomaConnect and Zulu were not in /var/lib/mysql/asterisk - why? No idea - manually copied them over and that got rid of that error.

  2. Two tables were missing from my database - they showed in the listing, but when you tried to enumerate them, MariaDB errored out. Exported the tables from the dead machine and imported them here ( How to import a single table in to mysql database using command line - Stack Overflow).

  3. fwconsole ma downloadinstall sangomaconnect and like magic, it finally installed.

These are totally vanilla machines - I really can’t understand why I have these problems!

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…

PS - After finally getting things installed, I couldn’t register the Sangoma Connect Server (to turn it on) - Like in this thread: Sangoma Connect - can’t register - Commercial Modules / Sangoma Connect - FreePBX Community Forums

Looking at the log in /var/log/asterisk/sangomaconnect_err.log I saw the following:

[2021-06-26 09:47:26] [sangomaconnect_err.DEBUG]: Cloud API request POST on endpoint /api/v1/deployment/ssl/generate with data {“host”:“”,“org_id”:

That IP was where the server USED to live - Tried to figure out where it was getting that address from, and looked under Settings -> SIP and it was still showing as my Public IP after the restore - set it to the correct IP address, remove and then re-install the modules, and then it fired up perfectly - I am guessing the people in the other thread were holding on to bad info also!

Sangoma Connect working perfectly with a restored machine in it’s permanent home! It’s a first!

Hmm, I am not sure this should be marked as the solution, though I recognize it is your solution.

Copying .frm (SQL) files should not be part of any fix :slight_smile:

Anything interesting in the backup/restore log? (/var/log/asterisk/backup.log)

You could tell me anything - I only did it using a Stare-And-Compare to what files/tables the error messages referenced and what was on the old machine but not on the new one.

Didn’t know about that file - 610K - if anybody wants, I can upload it - but in looking through it, I think the most interesting thing is it logged NO errors when the restore happened - even though on the CLI I saw errors when it was done - unimportant errors?

It’s funny, in the log you can see the three times I ran the restore and it stops the log after the first two times, but then shows a successful completion after the last time even though (to the screen) it logged an error:

[2021-06-25 20:09:45] [32c553cd-c433-4c18-b85c-62f3f17be9b6.INFO]: Apache will Restart now… And your GUI may die if the ports are changed !!!
[2021-06-25 20:09:45] [32c553cd-c433-4c18-b85c-62f3f17be9b6.INFO]: New port for accessing acp = 8080
[2021-06-25 20:09:45] [32c553cd-c433-4c18-b85c-62f3f17be9b6.INFO]: :8080/admin/config.php?display=backup
[2021-06-25 20:09:45] [32c553cd-c433-4c18-b85c-62f3f17be9b6.INFO]: New port for accessing sslacp = 443
[2021-06-25 20:09:45] [32c553cd-c433-4c18-b85c-62f3f17be9b6.INFO]: :443/admin/config.php?display=backup
[2021-06-25 20:09:52] [32c553cd-c433-4c18-b85c-62f3f17be9b6.INFO]: Reloading… DONE
[2021-06-25 20:09:52] [32c553cd-c433-4c18-b85c-62f3f17be9b6.INFO]: Running Post Restore Hooks… Please note that hook will restart httpd service so please refresh your page (using new ports)
[2021-06-25 20:09:52] [32c553cd-c433-4c18-b85c-62f3f17be9b6.INFO]: Running Post Restore Hooks DONE
[2021-06-25 20:09:52] [32c553cd-c433-4c18-b85c-62f3f17be9b6.INFO]: Finished

I am doing another machine right now - maybe I will get lucky on that one.

Was SangomaConnect installed prior to the restore?

When restoring a backup with commercial modules, you need to have the module installed first.

Also, when the backup was made, are you certain that SangomaConnect was included?

It was installed but not licensed - that could be why it borked, because when I restored, it wasn’t licensed yet either.

It was installed on the new machine also, just not licensed.

Yeah, it was - that’s why it tried to restore.

I bet it was the licensing - note to self - ONLY have what is licensed installed.

Not how it works. As long as the module is installed, the DB and such should be there to be restored to.

You do not need to to anything but activate the system prior to a restore.

I would think you can actually restore without activation, but I never have tried. I keep meaning to.

You are speaking theoretically - I am speaking from repetitive experience - I am currently working on machine #12 - Everything I have posted here is from the experience of actually doing it. Perhaps it was designed to work the way you think, but in reality (because I am having to do it over and over again) that is not how it works.

That does not seem correct. It would seem based on what is posted here that the module has to be licensed as the function it calls in the licensed module to restore is a licensed function in the module.

No from experience, but. The experience was with EPM, which is a bit of an exception.


Sharing info like this here is the forum is fine, but actual fixes are going to need a ticket. To my knowledge, nobody is reporting anything similar with Sangoma Connect, so I encourage you to open a support ticket with steps to repro what you’re seeing. Support may also request the file you’re restoring from.

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