Module Description Use Count Status Support Level ARI Model validators 0
Running core
1 modules loaded
Is already enabled - yes
Okey 12 modules loaded on like ari. I add to manully load and preload menu.
New error now: The Asterisk REST Interface is not able to connect please check configuration in advanced settings.
I think this is the reason you don’t have IPv4 Port 8088 at Listening list.
Problem solved. I uninstall the Asterisk Info module and the Asterisk REST Interface Users module. I deleted from the disk and re-install from the repo. Then I malually load again all the *.so modules from asterisk cli and all works. Maybe the error was on the authentication because the rest username it had non arlafithmic characters only it had some “+^” etc. So on the reinstall of this module then the username is only arlafithmic. I also read on other forums this problem and assumed that this is happening to me.
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