2.2b2 FOP not connecting for me, and PAGING GROUPS broke

when I click on FOP it loads, shows the trunks, extentions, and parking lot, but the status is not true. they all just flash from red/green and keeps trying to reload.

any direction as to what to check there?

also, having a pageing group set up, when the extention for the page group is dialed, it simply beeps the phone that made the call, the others are not effected.

how about that one, any clue what i did wrong?

thanks in advanace

This same issue is presenting itself in Hudlite as well, status can not be obtained or click to functions wont respond.

There are several ppl on the trixbox forum stating they are having the same issue since upgrading to FPX2.2b2

For the FOP and HUDLite issues, make sure Asterisk is started, and if you have a firewall, make sure you have the correct ports open.

4445 for the FOP by default, hudlite you’ll have to check yourself.

As for the paging issues, be sure to ctrl+click the extensions you want to pick up when paging. Also, more details would be helpful, such as what phones you’re using.