14 -> 15 upgrade still states 'BETA' Caution etc

Just curious when the upgrade will be set for the stable version?

When using the GUI upgrade tool it shows the following message:

FreePBX is currently Beta. You accept all risks associated with Beta software by upgrading. It is your responsibility to make proper backups if you need to revert. This is a fully automated process, therefore once you start you can not go back

It is your responsibility to make proper backups if you need to revert. This is a fully automated process, therefore once you start you can not go back

Can you post the link to the version of the upgrader tool you used? If this is a problem against the latest version, we probably need to open a FREEPBX ticket on the issue tracker.

Best wishes,

Hi @zmikulec

You are using older version of versionupgrade module due to which you are seeing the above tooltip.
Please follow the https://wiki.freepbx.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=163840098 and download the latest version of the versionupgrade and your issue will be fixed.

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I was away for the weekend :).

Thank you both for your replies.

My current version is 14.0.3

I will check out the wiki and see if this resolves / report back.


Quick question, it looks like the wiki post was modified on the 14th of this month.

Just for clarification to others that may read this thread: Does this mean the official version 14.0.11 will filter down into the module admin sometime soon?


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