(13)Permission denied: access to /admin/images/freepbx.png denied

OS = CentOS 6.4 new install & updated
freePBX = freepbx-2.11.0beta1 (new install)
Asterisk 11 & dahdi installed from the repository on packages.asterisk.org

The install was done “The Hard Way” as indicated on http://www.freepbx.org/support/freepbx-terms/documentation/installation-0

Asterisk starts with no problems, the freePBX install and startup seemed to go fine.

The problem happens when I access the Web GUI for freePBX. It will show the first screen except for the graphics and when I click on the link to go to freePBX I don’t see a prompt for authentication just a permissions error “You don’t have permission to access /admin/ on this server”. And in the httpd error log I see errors like: (13)Permission denied: access to /admin/images/freepbx.png denied

Do I need to craft an .htaccess file or a freepbx.conf in the /etc/httpd/conf.d or some such? What is the best practice for this now?

I would go back and look at the old server that we’re replacing but it died a suddenly and the disk is unreadable - yes, yes, I know backups would have been good but it is done now :frowning:

Any advise would be appreciated

Thanks, M

Searching with different keywords I was able to find the problem and resolve it myself. This link may be useful to the next person that hits this problem.


Basically change the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf setting for the user to be
User asterisk
Then restart httpd and things show up fine.

Thanks all, M

Btw…take a look here for installation instruction. http://wiki.freepbx.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1048598

I think its time we redirect /documentation to the wiki as all that data is 3-7 years outdated.