1.816 Image vs 1.817 Image & Restores Urgent!

Hello All,

Sorry to put urgent, but we are trying to get one of our client’s backup servers online and apparently it got trashed. We are preparing for the Hurricane which is why the urgent, knowing their primary server will go down.

They are still running 1.818.210.58-1 so we were going to run a new install of it and then create a remote backup job to restore all settings to the backup, but I can’t find anything older than 1.817.210 on https://downloads.freepbxdistro.org/ISO/

Is there anywhere to get an iso for 1.818.210.58-1 so?
can I use a newer version and do a remote backup and restore from 1.818.210.58-1, without too much additional modifications?


you have to stay within the same main FreePBX version so that 1.817.210 would be fine. Not sure that ISO will even install anymore. Its like 5 years old. Good luck

Thanks Tony,

I told the client we had to upgrade this year to the newer versions and they finally agreed, but timing isn’t always on our side.

I know I can take the 1.817 to 1.818 so I guess thats my best route, and then setup the backup and restore, would you agree?
