Upgrade from 1.810.210.58-1 to 2.210.62

We need to upgrade our PBX from 1.810.210.58 to 2.210.62. Full disclosure, I haven’t a very good idea what I’m doing. I’m confused about how how to best to go about it. We have our current free pbx on a vm. I am wondering if it would be easier to just spin up a new vm and migrate? what do I need to ensure the new vm has on it?

Honestly all of those are super old.
I would go through the process to bring FreePBX up to 2.11 then backup. Clean install and restore the backup. Pulling that current step by step may be hell

You can’t go from 1.8 to 2.2 because of the underlying operating system. CentOS 5.8 to 6.2.