[SOLVED]Getting Data from Online Server...Cant Reach Online Server

A lot of my modules are 2.11. But i guess they need to be upgraded to 12? Where do I download those from?


And then what folder?

I updated 2 servers this morning and now both have this problem. They were both running fpbx v12 and one was a brand new install this morning. I am 100% certain this is due to the module updates I just received.

None of you are using the FreePBX Distro I assume?

I also have this problem,
I’m using debian

I started upgrade to version 12 and I can not complete it now
I get this Retrieved Module XML Was Empty
I also have warning Warning: Error retrieving updates from online repository(s)
(http://mirror1.freepbx.org,http://mirror2.freepbx.org). Online modules
are not available.

I running:
SHMZ release 6.5 (Final)
With Freepbx 12
after updating todays modules (except ConfPro) I now get the following error:

Please wait while module actions are performed
Downloading and Installing conferencespro
Downloading conferencespro
Error(s) downloading conferencespro: Retrieved Module XML Was Empty

This mainly happens when I check for commercial modules.
Is there something broken on your side ?
Be sure that there’s nothing wrong on my DNS, Firewall, etc… !


The file can be seen here in full. Note that there is nothing wrong with it so nothing wrong on our side


I am using the freePBX distro.

I have tracked the problem down and will have a resolution soon

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Did you guys test the changes before you actually publish it?

So what was the problem?

Yes. Just as I tested them last time. There are many different settings in FreePBX. If I were to test every single one of them for every single release you would never have releases. This went through a review board for 30 days then went through QA then got released. There is no need to get snippy

Thank you for sticking with it and resolving the issue!

Awesome news that you found something!

Should we expect an update today still?

The update was released an hour ago. Please check your PMs

Can someone please post the fix publicly. I do not use the distro and I did not get any pm.

I am doing limited testing so as to not have this happen again. I’m not holding the patch. Just doing it with select community members first after it went though QA

Fix is listed below:

/var/lib/asterisk/bin/freepbx_setting MODULEADMIN_SKIP_CACHE 1 && amportal a ma upgrade framework && /var/lib/asterisk/bin/freepbx_setting MODULEADMIN_SKIP_CACHE 0