Running Freepbx as www-data

I can now access the menus but trying to ‘Apply config’ now generates another cron error:

Tried to run Dashboard->doDialplanHook(), it threw an exception. I received Trying to edit user asterisk, when I'm running as pbx
Continuing. This is a bug
Please update your modules and reload Asterisk by browsing to your server.

doDialPlanHook() is trying to do doing Cron maintenance, but again doesn’t specify a username so the ‘asterisk’ default applies:

public function doDialplanHook(&$ext, $engine, $priority) {
        // [removed irrelevant bits of function]

        // Also, while we're here, we should check that our cronjob is
        // still there.

        $file = __DIR__."/".$this->sched;
        $cmd = "[ -e $file ] && $file";

        if (!$this->Cron->checkLine("* * * * * $cmd")) {
                // It's not!
                $this->Cron->addLine("* * * * * $cmd");

Searching the code with grep it looks like it’s only Dashboard and Sipstation classes which are affected.

Is it best to fix Sipstation and Dashboard … or change the Cron class so that it defaults to edit cron as the web user specified in AMPASTERISKWEBUSER?