Phones not ringing for incoming calls


Don’t worry about your English, it’s perfectly fine…

(Please take this with a grain of salt though, it’s not my mother tongue either… :wink: )

As far as I know what FreePBX does is keep its configuration in a database (MySQL or maybe MariaDB) and when you apply your settings it regenerate the configuration files read by Asterisk.

For some reason it looks like your database password was changed (Did you by any chance restore from another server or something like that? I had a similar problem when I did…).

One of those password is also present in the database itself, maybe that one is wrong too…

Please take a look at this post: Unable to apply config after restore from backup - #5 by stiadmin

Replace the update in that post with this one:

update freepbx_settings SET value = ‘MY_DATABASE_PASSWORD’ WHERE keyword = ‘CDRDBPASS’;

MY_DATABASE_PASSWORD is the password you got from freepbx.conf and when you connect to your datatabase using the command described in the post I referred you to if it asks for a password provide the one from freepbx.conf…

I hope you have backups though…

Have a nice day!
