Only EPM "custom" provisioning address works, not "external"

I’ve read this forum thread quite a few times: Setting up Sangoma phones to use VPN. (FreePBX 13) - #13 by cdsJerryw

I put it to “external”, then tail -f both the access_log and the error_log. Factory reset. Nothing in the error log, and this is all I get from the access_log:

EXT IP - username [21/Dec/2017:13:06:52 -0700] “GET /cfg0700.xml HTTP/1.1” 200 703 “-” “Sangoma S700 MAC_ADDRESS”
EXT IP - username [21/Dec/2017:13:07:00 -0700] “GET /cfgMAC_ADDRESS.xml HTTP/1.1” 200 62349 “-” “Sangoma S700 MAC_ADDRESS”

Then the phone reboots, has my extension, admin password has changed, says VPN activated, but not VPN address and a failed registration.

Then I put it back to “custom”, factory reset the phone, and the error_log shows all the files not existing in tftpboot again, but the access_log shows my ext IP getting the files, and everything works.
