Handling inbound calls containing cpc=ordinary

Hi Daniel & Lorne,

Thank you very much! I ended up with the following version of the clean-up. This version also adds two leading zeros which makes it possible to dial back and to resolve via superfecta without any further rules:

exten => _.,1,noop(entering user defined context [cid-cleanup] in extensions_custom.conf)
exten => _.,n,noop(Received CID number: ${CALLERID(number)})
exten => _.,n,set(CALLERID(number)=${CUT(CALLERID(number),\;,1)})
exten => _.,n,noop(Adding two leading zeros and cutting the +-sign)
exten => _.,n,set(CALLERID(number)=00${FILTER(0123456789,${CALLERID(number)})})
exten => _.,n,noop(Proceeding with CID number: ${CALLERID(number)})
exten => _.,n,goto(from-trunk,${EXTEN},1)

Finally, things seem to work as best as anyone could want with FreePBX 13!

