FreePBX Distro does not support https?

At some point we have to prioritize things we do. There are many open tickets. Is SSL in apache bigger than core being broken? You need to decide that for yourself.

I +1’d Navaismo’s post for this simple line, because I liked what it said:

Do I need to justify my likes for every post I like from here on out? There are posts that @dicko likes that I could assume are flipping me off as well, but I have to take a step back and think “@dicko is just liking a post, im looking too deeply into it”.

I am assuming you are doing the same.

Tony’s reply is simply talking about unsigned certs with phones. No where does he dismiss anything. He is just providing comments, the same thing you have done. I would think Tony’s first comment in that ticket actually stated what we are doing in regards to it. Tony might be short and to the point but he does not foo-foo it for political correctness. Note that I am not endorsing anything I am just saying maybe look at it in a different light?

I am fairly certain this is my only interaction with you so I can’t speak for others. However take:

You went through that thread and liked all of @dicko’s posts. Like almost all of them. Do you think at some level @AdHominem took offense at your liking them the same as you took offense at me liking @navaismo’s . Just something to consider when looking a the broader picture.

I went through your posts since around '12 (might have missed some to be honest) but I can only find a handful of times where Tony replied to you. Most of our team has never talked to you. So I suppose I am a little lost as to what you are referring to specifically?

Sure we at FreePBX have been assholes. I can agree with that. Do we want to be assholes? No I can tell you we don’t. We do strive to come off as decent human beings. We have conversations about our actions in the forums all day long and we don’t sit there making fun of everyone (I never said you said that, I suppose I am just trying to clarify where ‘we’ stand?).

Do we want to keep being assholes? No. Not at all. We want to be the nice, cool guys, but we can’t always reply with a nice message, sometimes it will be blunt. The worse part is, if we don’t reply at all people scream at us for ignoring them. The ways of the internet.

I’ve probably rambled on for too long but I stick up for the people at Schmooze, not because they pay my bills but because when I was learning about PBXs/VoIP and programming in my free time for FreePBX years ago my closest allies were Tony, Philippe and Bryan. Tony reached out to me first and got me access to the FreePBX resources well before I was hired, he, and the Schmooze team, made me feel welcome. So of course I see these guys in a totally different light than most people and most of the time I am the most blunt of all (but mainly on another forum, less often here) and maybe I do come off as rude and maybe most of us do.

But we are trying to work on it and improve our credibility towards the community.