FPBX13 RC, G722 and 1-way audio - even to voicemail

I know Andrew and Rob both were able to get this to work. But I am curious, in your testing, did you:

  1. Go to Settings —> Asterisk SIP Settings and enable the g722 codec and make it the top priority?
  2. Or did you go to the extension settings page, enter “all” in “Disallowed Codecs”, and enter “g722” in “Allowed Codecs”?

If you tested with method 2, it will work every time. 2 way audio with the PBX will work without any issue using the g722 codec. But, if you use method 1, it has failed for me every time in my testing. Thus, it seems possible that this is a FreePBX issue, not an Asterisk issue. Asterisk is obviously able to transcode properly, because method 2 above works fine.

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