fail2ban fails 2 start

We pushed out a fix for the issue you are experiencing earlier today. Please do a yum clean all and yum update fail2ban as @tonyclewis suggested above.

Now to address the warning everyone is seeing when they restart fail2ban. That warning is exactly that, it’s a warning that is letting the end user know an ignoreregex is not actually being defined in a filter.d file. As a result it is defaulting to ‘’. This is actually happening in a file we don’t modify but we will be modifying in a future update to prevent any further confusion. However without this fix fail2ban should continue to run as it normally would as the option is still being set behind the scenes.

And finally I understand that dashboard is showing that is unable to detect the service status for fail2ban. We are aware of the issue and we will be looking at pushing a fix to the module that perform the fail2ban status checks sometime tomorrow.

I hope this helps explain the issue a little more for everyone that is seeing them as well as the plan of attack. If you happen to notice any other issues we didn’t catch, please let us know.