External IP Address?

Thank you for your reply Rob,

  1. Where is the “SIP Driver” page? Do you mean Asterisk SIP Settings /Chan SIP?

  2. Do you notice my point that the SIP IP is not my current external IP. I understand the basic concepts, I just am pointing out that they are not in sync and it may be confusing. I am also pointing out that the “actual” box IP address being used by SIP is also not displayed or obvious. Clearly it is not the one showing on the SIP Settings page or it would not be working.

So… it may be useful to make that sync or come up with some other way to monitor whit the box is using for an IP when in DDNS mode. Also, visibility to the DDNS refresh process could be comforting, like how often does it update. To my knowledge, the VOIP trunk calls need the correct external IP to set up the call. So visibility into how it is maintained in DDNS mode is useful.
As I said, the out of sync addresses brought up all this discussion.