Error when using DPMA and Visual Voicemail

I am using the DPMA to configured my D40 phones and run into an intermittent issue with visual voice mail. I have users that will get an error of “Got a bad status back:500(10000)” when they press the Msgs button on the phones. I have 5 systems and this is a sporadic issue on all 5 of them. This isn’t consistent across all phones.

I’m using FreePBX 5.211.65-21 and DPMA version 11.0_2.1.1.

Has anyone experienced this issue, and found a fix for it?


Please work directly with Digium’s Support department for this.


I have opened case 00451373.

Was there any solution to this? I’ve had this problem off and on for a year and a half… Never found a definitive solution.

We’re trying to root-cause this now. Any information you can get to the Support department - would be useful.

Note that if the phone session has died because the network ports have changed and the server doesn’t have a current path back to the phone it’s out-of-bounds for anything we’re looking to address right now - thus the udp_ka_interval option.
