IMHO you should ask yourself what differences (if any) are there between the actual AsteriskNow (I mean the most recent one, not the AsteriskNow 3.0.x but the AsteriskNow 5.211.65-14 <- and note the naming) and FreePBX Distro 5.211.65: this is probably a pertinent (for sure interesting) question to ask.
Astute followers then may jump in and (also) note that, very recently this year (April?), FreePBX Developers provided an official script to convert AsteriskNow 3.0.x into FreePBX Distro 5.211.65-13 (initially the script was released to convert AsteriskNow 3.0.x into a FreePBX Distro 5.211.65-1).
Now, AsteriskNow 5.211.65 (while with AsteriskNow 3.0.x users may - or may not - choose to install FreePBX GUI) actually has FreePBX 2.11 GUI…maybe differences don’t stop here…so I’m curious too.