Cisco-9971 Setup

I think It is way over my head. But i still need help. I have no clue on the TFTP32 what to do to upload to the phone i did find the sepmacaddress-9971.cnf_.xml file But how to set up the TFTP32 i do still not know.

The problem I’m having is i tried to look at that site on how to setup the Tftp32 and got so lost Second thing is what Cisco-9971 firmware or XML file do i need and how do i upload to the phone to get it to work? this is what I’m having trouble with.

The freepbx server is already running a tftpboot server, you dont need to do whatever it is you are doing with tftp32.

Cisco phones are a pain in the neck, throw it away. However, if you dont want to (like I didn’t) then read this wiki page. Then read it again. Then try it all and then read it again. If you’ve read it all completely five times and still having problems, then ask your questions. Getting these things working correctly took me hundreds of hours of research and testing, this isn’t a plug and platy solution.

Hello matphillips Thank you. I also been at this for a long time. I did find out that there is a Tftp server running. I also found out in the Tftpboot folder i need to put the XML file in there so it can upload to the phone. Right now I’m trying to figure out the Xml file the one i found online was setup for Europe. And I’m in the usa.

Hello so i know the Tftp server is running i got the XML script from that site i read as much as i can there is a part that says i need to partch asterisk. I’m unsure of that. Wow this is totally different then what i was readying before I’m unsure now what to do next.

Hello Matphillips i went to that site looked and i read through it i seen a lot of config files needed. So i got them all checked them over i added all my information to it i saved the mail config xml file SEP then my mac address .cnf.xml Ext and i uploaded to the Tftp folder So it mange to take I’m happy about that but i get a error code sayins Error Verifying config into this is my config file. Not sure what is wrong or what I’m missing. But here it is.

<!-- SEP1C17D3418E39.cnf.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <-- ** Firmware file -->
            <timeZone>EST Standard/Daylight Time</timeZone>
            <!-- Main line, register with asterisk using your credentials as in FreePBX -->
            <line button="1" lineIndex="1">
                <!-- the 'lineIndex' here is ESSENTIAL, without it, the phone will 'lock' missed calls on the display, causing the phone to be basically broken. Do not put a line index on the other keys, that will also break things. -->
                <featureLabel>Joseph Chrzempiec</featureLabel>
            <!-- I like a clear view of the phones Do Not Disturb state, this linekey provides that -->
            <line button="2">
            <!-- BLF KEY, set to the extension number of a station you want this phone to monitor and be able to pick up calls for etc -->
            <line button="3">
            <line button="5">
        <!-- the next four lines: At 8am, activate phone and keep the screen on for an hour gives the office a good 'awake' look. Then after 9am, turn the display on if there is an incoming call. Turn off after 10 minutes of inactivity. -->
        <!-- set to 1 to use the softkey.xml file, set to 0 to use the featurePolicy.xml file -->
        <!-- the name above is the exact name of the folder inside /tftpboot where the locale files are stored -->
        <phoneService type="1" category="0">
            <name>Missed Calls</name>
        <phoneService type="2" category="0">
        <phoneService type="1" category="0">
            <name>Received Calls</name>
        <phoneService type="1" category="0">
            <name>Placed Calls</name>
        <phoneService type="1" category="0">
            <!-- set the URL below to match your server DNS name, and edit the extension to match the correct extension for this file -->
        <phoneService type="0" category="0">
            <name>Visual Voicemail</name>
            <url>**url of the visual voicemail application**</url>

I corrected one problem with the YA.M.D. i notice i had to change to Y-M-D and uploaded again same error message.

Hello with the help of online and a few people i got the cisco phone up and running. Only thing is the buttons that are on the side of the Touch screen there are 6 left and 6 right how can i program them? I tried to look in manuals but no luck.

This is the new XML file that is working But also in the TFTP there are other files


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
			<timeZone>E. Australia Standard Time</timeZone>
				<member priority="0">


			<line button="1" lineIndex="1">

                     <addOnModule uuid="" idx="1">







        <phoneService  type="1" category="0">
                <name>Missed Calls</name>
        <phoneService  type="2" category="0">
        <phoneService  type="1" category="0">
                <name>Received Calls</name>
        <phoneService  type="1" category="0">
                <name>Placed Calls</name>
        <phoneService  type="1" category="0">
                <name>Personal Directory</name>




    <softKeyDef keyID="Undefined">
    <softKeyDef keyID="Redial">
    <softKeyDef keyID="NewCall">
    <softKeyDef keyID="Hold">
    <softKeyDef keyID="Transfer">
    <softKeyDef keyID="CFwdAll">
    <softKeyDef keyID="&lt;&lt;">
    <softKeyDef keyID="EndCall">
    <softKeyDef keyID="Resume">
    <softKeyDef keyID="Answer">
    <softKeyDef keyID="Confrn">
    <softKeyDef keyID="Park">
    <softKeyDef keyID="MeetMe">
    <softKeyDef keyID="PickUp">
    <softKeyDef keyID="GPickUp">
    <softKeyDef keyID="RmLstC">
    <softKeyDef keyID="DND">
    <softKeyDef keyID="ConfList">
    <softKeyDef keyID="iDivert">
    <softKeyDef keyID="OPickUp">
    <softKeyDef keyID="HLog">
    <softKeyDef keyID="Record">
    <softKeySet id="On Hook">
      <softKey keyID="Redial" />
      <softKey keyID="NewCall" />
      <softKey keyID="DND" />
      <softKey keyID="CFwdAll" />
      <softKey keyID="HLog" />
    <softKeySet id="Off Hook">
      <softKey keyID="Redial" />
      <softKey keyID="EndCall" />
      <softKey keyID="PickUp" />
    <softKeySet id="Off Hook With Feature">
      <softKey keyID="Redial" />
      <softKey keyID="EndCall" />
    <softKeySet id="Digits After First">
      <softKey keyID="&lt;&lt;" />
      <softKey keyID="EndCall" />
    <softKeySet id="Ring Out">
      <softKey keyID="Undefined" />
      <softKey keyID="EndCall" />
    <softKeySet id="Connected">
      <softKey keyID="Hold" />
      <softKey keyID="EndCall" />
      <softKey keyID="Transfer" />
      <softKey keyID="Confrn" />
      <softKey keyID="ConfList" />
      <softKey keyID="RmLstC" />
      <softKey keyID="Park" />
      <softKey keyID="Record" />
    <softKeySet id="Connected No Feature">
      <softKey keyID="Undefined" />
      <softKey keyID="EndCall" />
    <softKeySet id="Connected Transfer">
      <softKey keyID="Undefined" />
      <softKey keyID="EndCall" />
      <softKey keyID="Transfer" />
    <softKeySet id="Connected Conference">
      <softKey keyID="Confrn" />
      <softKey keyID="EndCall" />
    <softKeySet id="Local Conferenced">
      <softKey keyID="Hold" />
      <softKey keyID="EndCall" />
    <softKeySet id="On Hold">
      <softKey keyID="Resume" />
      <softKey keyID="NewCall" />
    <softKeySet id="Ring In">
      <softKey keyID="Answer" />
      <softKey keyID="iDivert" />
      <softKey keyID="DND" />

i thought the soft keys would be it. But it is not.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to share your codes.

I have a bunch of cisco 7811 phones working with freepbx, but only have challenge with getting them to pick up phonebook directory.

Could you please share your auth.php and searchDirectory.php files PLEASE?

I’ve been stuck at this for weeks now.

Thank you.

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