AsteriskNOW - which version, and how to get SIP over TCP

I’ve recently installed a second Asterisk server, this time from AsteriskNOW-1.7.0-i386, specifically because I want SIP via TCP. (This is a test system ONLY.) I thought it included Asterisk version 1.6, and I thought that Asterisk version 1.6 supported SIP over TCP.

How do I find which version of Asterisk it’s running? I can see the version of all the FreePBX modules via the GUI, of course, but I can’t see how to find the Asterisk version. All I have at the command line is a Linux prompt. How can I get to issue the command “core show version”, for example?

Although UDP port 5060 is open and I have a couple of extensions configured and working via UDP, I can see that TCP port 5060 is NOT open as I would expect.

If there is a more appropriate distribution of Asterisk + FreePBX for my requirements, I’m happy to install it instead.

Connect to Asterisk either through the “asterisk -vr” command at the Linux prompt or the “Asterisk CLI” option under “Tools” through the Web Interface.

Type “core show version” and you will get your Asterisk version.

VOIP is a TCP protocol, so you need to make sure the incoming SIP connection is available IF you have SIP phones outside the local network.

“AsteriskNOW” is a perfectly reasonable distribution for what you want to do. I also like “PBX In A Flash”. Since all you appear to be doing is SIP, either should work fine for what you are trying to do.

In FreePBX Asterisk Info will tell you the version. You may need to goto Module Admin and install Asterisk Info if it is not in the menu.

Actually, there isn’t an “Asterisk CLI” option under “Tools”. The FreePBX version is, if that makes any difference.

However, thanks for telling me how to get an Asterisk command line - that tells me I have Asterisk

My reason for wanting support for SIP over TCP is that I’m writing an application that must communicate via SIP over TCP, and I want to use Asterisk as my test bed, therefore SIP over TCP is a mandatory requirement for me, not optional.

How do I get Asterisk to communicate via TCP?

I presume that netstat -ln should show me that TCP port 5060 is in state LISTEN? It lists 11 TCP ports in that state, but 5060 is not among them. UDP port 5060 is present further down the list.

After a bit of head-scratching as to why the list of modules was so short, I changed to “Extended repository” and installed Asterisk Info and Asterisk CLI. Very useful - thanks!

Just to clarify: the Asterisk/FreePBX installation is currently internal ONLY. I need TCP extensions. There are no trunks, SIP, ISDN, analogue or anything.

There /may/ be a small number of external SIP trunks later if we can get budget for an SBC.

I am curious as to “exactly” what it is that requires SIP over TCP and will have no outside connectivity ?

What are you attempting to do ?

My reason for wanting support for SIP over TCP is that I’m writing an application that must communicate via SIP over TCP, and I want to use Asterisk as my test bed, therefore SIP over TCP is a mandatory requirement for me, not optional.

I have Asterisk version

Does that support SIP over TCP?

How do I get TCP port 5060 to listen?