Asterisk Follow Me / Caller ID, Wrong Caller ID

Bonjour Raphael!
(Hi Raphael!)

Please take a look at this: CID Name Prefix is not working in Ring Group Module

What is said there is no longer fully true, it might have been at the time but the

“Yes that is because FreePBX only does the prefix in ring groups and
follow me and such to local phones. That is what we all keep telling
you. Because in the past lots of carriers would actually reject the
call if you tried to send a Caller ID Name so we put in logic in FreePBX
to not prepend the Caller ID for external calls.”

said by tonyclewis (Tony Lewis) on February 12th appears to be still true as far as the prefix not being added for external calls…

On Fido/Rogers I definitely receive the caller name I set for my extension (I set it to “allo” and my phone number (formatted as described in the help) and it worked but it definitely looks like the part about the prefix not being sent for external calls is still true…

(I checked for an internal one and it definitely works…)

He also said this:

“yes but the name is handled by your carrier. They ignore any name you
send and put their own in. CID prepend only works for internal phones
not external phones like cell phones.”

which might be true with some providers but Fido/Rogers definitely use what I send…

So now you are left with two choices (assuming Telus passes the caller ID name information you set when it’s not a prefix) either:

  • try to find where this removal of caller id prefix information for external call is done and modify it so it is kept…


  • try to get the FreePBX devs to reconsider their decision…

  • Use the “Call Confirmation” feature (if your version has it) and playback an announcement saying it’s a forward to the person being called…

As for the help, “de rien!”…

Bonne chance et bonne journée!
(Good luck and have a nice day!)
