Active Directory not syncing on FreePBX 14

Thank you very much for your help. any idea why after syncing , I cannot use the ad username to login? I have pulled in all the users and groups. Updated the AD group that my username is in to allow logins to UCP and the All the admin stuff in the Freepbx gui, however it will not work. I have re-ordered the directories and such so that my newly created AD directory is the default, and comes first on the list.

It works inasmuch as I cannot login with my username anymore using my old , pre-ad password . However it refuses to let me in with any password now. I have a tcpdump trace running where I can see the pbx contacting my ad server but no authentication is taking place. I have enabled edge mode, and downloaded the most recent UCP .

I can still login with “maint” user, as it does not exist in AD . I have tried all the permutations that I can think of with regards to the username: domain\username ; username@domain-name ; username; etc but nothing is working.

userman v14.0.3.11 fixes the login issue

It will also report back the SID it tried to lookup for the primary group

Looks like that fixed it! Thanks! Now when I log in, it complains that I don’t have the broadcast module installed, when if fact I do. However, I just do a reload of the page and it continues on to the dashboard.

Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Broadcast’A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install broadcast 2) fwconsole ma enable broadcast

                    $needs_zend = isset($info[$module]['depends']['phpcomponent']) && stristr($info[$module]['depends']['phpcomponent'], 'zend');
                    $licFileExists = glob ('/etc/schmooze/license-*.zl');
                    $complete_zend = (!function_exists('zend_loader_install_license') || empty($licFileExists));
                    if ($needs_zend && class_exists('\Schmooze\Zend',false) && \Schmooze\Zend::fileIsLicensed($try) && $complete_zend) {
                    include $try;
                    $loaded = $try;
        // Right, after all of this we should now have our object ready to create.
        if (!class_exists($objname,false) && !class_exists($this->moduleNamespace.$objname,false) && !class_exists($this->freepbxNamespace.$objname,false)) {
            // Bad things have happened.
            if (!$loaded) {
                $sobjname = strtolower($objname);
                throw new \Exception(sprintf(_("Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class '%s'"),$objname) . sprintf(_("A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install %s 2) fwconsole ma enable %s"),$sobjname,$sobjname));
                //die_freepbx(sprintf(_("Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class '%s'"),$objname), sprintf(_("A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) amportal a ma install %s 2) amportal a ma enable %s"),$sobjname,$sobjname));
            // We loaded a file that claimed to represent that class, but didn't.
            throw new \Exception(sprintf(_("Attempted to load %s but it didn't define the class %s"),$try,$objname));
        return true;

In Addition one thing that is not ideal is that it displays the password in plain-text on the “Environment & Details” page

Make sure you are running Framework or 14.0.1rc1.19

Hi, I am running 14.0.1rc1.21 . Should I downgrade?

fyi, i am having the exact same issue

Right. I saw your thread and was going to post on it, however it took me a while to get to the same problem as you are having :slight_smile: (Thanks for all the details you have posted btw, I really need this to work ! )

Fixed in Framework 14.0.1rc1.23

Confirmed works for me now. thanks!

windward, i just applied 23 and it fixed my login as well, however i notice that the dashboard widges do not paint…did you apply all the edge modules? or just core? are you seeing the same issue?


Upgrade dashboard. We fixed that as well yesterday.

Andrew, I just checked and I did upgrade it last night, i think that is when it broke. i am on I just tried to reinstall and that seemed to have no affect…am i on the right version?

dashboard v14.0.2.4

andrew, that did it, thanks!

My Dashboard is working. My backup to FTP is now broken though, I understand from reading the forums that this is not really unexpected.
Storing backup…
Exception: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (-or-directory. 00:00) at position 0 (-): Unexpected character in file /var/www/html/admin/modules/backup/vendor/touki/ftp/lib/Touki/FTP/FilesystemFactory.php on line 64

Apparently it was just a filepath issue. After some experimenting with various path permutations it is once again backing up over FTP

Hi All. I have just added a new user to AD. After forcing a sync (fwconsole userman --syncall --force) I show no errors syncing , however this user is not showing up in my directory on FreePBX.
Any ideas?

“It wasn’t working so I upgraded to Usermanager, and it still isn’t working”

I have now managed to add my user that I just created. I deleted the directory that I had created( on FreePBX ) , and created a new one. I set this one up nearly identical to my old one, where I made the change this time is under “User Configuration” I deleted what I had on the “User DN” line. After a submit/sync my new user shows up.

Thanks for the useful info, Andrew! We appreciate it.

Running with --verbose will give you a ton of useful debug. Most likely your user dn was wrong.